150 People Burnt Alive After Someone Lit Cigarette Near Oil Tanker

Photo: Reuters

At least 150 people have been killed after an oil tanker crashed and exploded, reportedly after someone lit a cigarette near the tanker.

On Sunday, just a day before a Muslim holiday marking the end of Ramadan, hundreds of villagers rushed to the scene as the oil tanker crashed in Pakistani city of Bahawalpur. The villagers called their relatives and friends to bring whatever they can find to collect the leaked oil. At least 500 people gathered around the oil tanker when someone tried to lit a cigarette and ignited the fire.

The explosion created a massive fireball and burned scores of villagers to death, including 20 children. At least 80 were injured in the blast, some of whom had life-threatening injuries.

Authorities detained the driver of the tanker, who survived the explosion.


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